MHA | Glen Thomas
Glen Thomas
Meet the Team

Glen Thomas


Glen is an experienced tax professional and has been providing his clients with a broad range of advisory services for 20 years. He has advised on clients of all sizes from owner managed businesses to international groups. His expertise centres on corporation tax and all matters that affect entrepreneurial owner managed businesses. He also advises on issues concerning tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions.

Glen also advises non domiciled individuals with regard to their UK tax affairs and regularly provides advice to non UK resident trusts concerning the UK tax implications of providing benefits to UK resident beneficiaries as well as holding UK assets. Much of this work has involved planning to remove residential property from corporate structures after the introduction of the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED).

His sector specialisms include property, manufacturing and technology, and retail.  He is of the view that most companies are missing the opportunity to claim the enhanced tax reliefs available for Research and Development activities without even knowing it.

Outside of work Glen enjoys spending time with his 2 boys who are beginning to share his enjoyment of sport.