MHA | Low Carbon Construction Webinar
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Low Carbon Construction Webinar

In person • 20th Oct 2021 - 1:00am - 1:45am

Sustainability will prove to be the greatest business challenge of the decade with significant risk and opportunity brought not just by climate change but all environmental, social and governance factors that investors, consumers & customers, supply chains, colleagues and competitors will be focusing on in their decision making. 

Watch our webinar below to hear from experts about the following:

Content of Topics:

  • What are you doing to make construction lower carbon?
  • What are the key challenges to construction achieving?
    A) Significant short term carbon savings
    B) Achieving Net Zero by 2050
  • How can major contractors achieve carbon savings through their supply chains and what part can SME’s play?
  • How low carbon can construction in the future actually be? There will always be waste, inefficiencies and embedded carbon in construction materials. How different will construction in 10 years be?
  • Financial incentives for sustainability expenditure 

Your host

Brendan Sharkey
Head of Construction &Real Estate, Partner

Your panellists 

Rich Hall
Head of Sustainability & Stakeholder Assurance

Ewan Cross
Associate Director, Rolton Group

Nicola Scott
Briggs & Forrester Engineering Ltd

Matthew Linekar
Briggs & Forrester Engineering Ltd

Steve Jewell,
CEO of SWIS Distribution Ltd

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